One of the highlights of Copenhagen… our tour of Marmorkirken (Marble Church), also know as Frederiks Kirke (Frederik’s Church). Marmorkirken is located just east of the Royal Palace with Operaen på Holmen (the new Opera House) just across the harbor from there.
This tour is not really publicized; however, Cameron and I were fortunate enough to be in the right place at the right time.
While I was snapping photos of the interior, Cameron saw a small sign that read, “Be at this door at 15:00 sharp, 35KR”. It happened to be 14:54 and there was a small group forming so we hopped in line to see what this was all about.
Little did we know, we would be lead through a few doors and up a 270-step spiral staircase through beautiful wood framing to the top of the dome. We arrived at our final stop…a 360° view of the entire city.
- THE TOURS are at 13:00 and 15:00 sharp. During the high season, June 15th to August, the dome is open daily at 1pm (13:00) and 3pm (15:00). Outside high season, this tour is active on Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays. The cost is 35KR for the most incredible climb into the dome and breathtaking views.
- WARNING: If you are at all claustrophobic, this tour may not be for you as the staircase is VERY narrow. Also if you tend to get dizzy easily, try to be the last up the stairs and take your time climbing them as it is a tight spiral staircase and you can end up spinning quickly.
- FUN FACT for you! When royalty is home, their flag is up.
- The Queen’s residence is to the right of the statue. She was away.
- The Prince’s residence is to the left of the statue. He was home.
- Visit www.marmorkirken.dk for more information
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